A musical story that highlights the wilderness of the Port of Rotterdam
Eric Vloeimans was invited to make the music for the sequel to Mark Verkerk’s documentary The New Wilderness (2013). The new film, Wild Port of Europe, is about animals that live in the port of Rotterdam. The assignment to look for it in the small, with all attention focused on the animals, turned out to be perfect for Vloeimans. In the all-rounders Jörg Brinkmann and Dirk-Peter Kölsch he found the perfect companions to shape his music.
In this new program the music takes you to the port of Rotterdam. In Wild Port of Europe, which will be released in the spring of 2022, the music supports the images, but is also allowed to fully excel. Atmospheric harbor images and catchy melodies for the animals. Music with many faces, as we know from Vloeimans. Think of a nest of baby hedgehogs, a kestrel looking for food, the migration of the natterjack toad, the polecat hunting a rabbit – just to name a few examples.